This one hour course gives attendees a proven set of tools to better handle the changes in their work and personal lives. The overall goal is an adaptable, resilient workforce that is comfortable with continuous change.
In this course we will look at improving a process that is deeply flawed, and we will look objectively and outside the box on things we can do to identify and hire high performers.
Customer Service is moving to Customer Experience, and modern firms must keep up with their clients, or fail at sustainability.
This one hour fast-paced course updates one’s strategic view of the world of Diversity and Inclusion, and applies it to the specialized world we work in.
This one hour course will give new supervisors, managers and leaders the skills and understanding needed to successfully navigate the transition.
This program has a different focus – a more inclusive look at the generations, with a focus on communication methods to bridge the gaps. With the overall size of the millennial cohort in the workforce, this presentation spends a majority of its time on communicating with Millennials.
This one hour course will review how to hire well and techniques to keep your best performers engaged and wanting to stay with your organization.
For special pricing or to bring this series to your organization for groups of 5 or more, contact our team.