AICPA-CIMA & the Business Learning Institute are YOUR strategic learning partners: a one-stop shop for all your learning needs!


800+ Webcasts. 200+ On-Demands. Premium Learning Experience.

AICPA partners with State CPA Societies to offer a wide variety of learning to their members. The partnership offers over 800 webcasts annually, more than 200 on-demand course options, the full lineup of AICPA certificate programs, AICPA’s popular CPExpress program, and so much more. AICPA offers the state societies a live seminar program with 100 different titles that can be offered with experienced and expert facilitators to provide a premium learning experience for the participants.


1,000+ Courses. 120+ Instructors. Unlimited Customization.

BLI is a training affiliate of the AICPA-CIMA. BLI’s mission is to deliver
competency-based courses, content and community that enhance
learning and foster organizational and executive leadership.
BLI has grown into the largest provider of on-site training in the country.
Pam and the Customized Learning Solutions team have grown the
business in three core segments – Corporate, Firm and Government.

The BLI Curricula

BLI delivers competency-based curriculum, courses, content, and community to enhance learning and grow intellectual capital for organizational and executive leadership. These soft skills are essentially people skills – the non-technical, intangible, performance skills that determine your strengths as a leader, manager, and team member. The Business Learning Institute provides unique, customized learning journeys for your learners to empower your people and power your organization.

Providing Courses to Your Members


Add courses to your existing catalog.

There are 2 ways to do this:

  • If your course catalog has API capabilities, courses can appear automatically through the API, or
  • Add courses to your catalog via csv upload or by manual entry

OR, we can build a custom catalog for you on a custom web domain.

Link from your website and other marketing materials to, where your community can see a page with your branding and the course offerings you’ve selected for them.


Customers can buy courses on your website.

If you have an e-commerce engine, your customers can buy BLI course registrations on your website.

OR, customers can buy courses on your custom page on BLI’s website.

Whether you use your own course catalog or ours, you can send users to your branded portion of the BLI website to complete purchase. Your customers will have to create an account on BLI’s website to complete this transaction.


Customers attend courses on your website.

This is possible whether your customer purchased the course on your site or on the BLI website. There are 2 ways to make this happen:

  • If your website or LMS has an open API connection, it can access BLI content for delivery via the API, or
  • BLI can provide to you content packages for any given course (SCORM files, video files, etc.)

OR, customers can attend courses on the BLI website.

This is possible whether your customer purchased the course on your site or on the BLI website. Since you know which of your customers purchased which of your courses (whether the purchase was on your website, or with BLI directly), you send a custom unique URL to each customer which grants them access to the program when they enter the email address associated with their purchase.

Many Ways to Learn

How content and training gets delivered to you. All courses are available in a variety of formats.

Contact us to see how we can meet your training needs:

Find out more.