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BLI’s top blog posts of 2017

Before we get too caught up in all things 2018, let’s take one last look back at the past year with this list of the Business Learning Institute's top blog posts of 2017.

Something tells me there’ll be plenty to write about in 2018. Until then … happy reading!

  1. Blockchain might remake accounting. The opportunities are huge.
  2. The No. 1 leadership skill you must have
  3. Soft skills are anything but
  4. Quit talking about learning new skills. Start doing it.
  5. The top six skills you need to thrive in a VUCA world
  6. How to win the race with the machines
  7. Change is a choice. So are relevance … and your future
  8. 5 great books to round out your summer reading list
  9. The top 5 things next-gen leaders want us to know
  10. Anticipation: The missing competency for CPAs
  11. Creating the future-ready firm at the Digital CPA Conference
  12. The future-ready CFO: Chief Future Officer
  13. How to go from overwhelmed to energized: A roadmap to employee engagement
  14. Trends all CPAs must watch in 2017
  15. Are you a future-ready CFO?
  16. Closing the gap: How to beat the competency crisis in accounting
  17. Want to beat the machines? Learn to do what they can’t do
  18. 5 reasons why remote work will save your organization
  19. Look beyond what’s expected and start seeing what’s possible
  20. Robots aren’t stealing our jobs. They’re setting us free.
  21. Embrace change or resist it. Only option is viable
  22. MACPA, BLI partner with IBM to help accounting and finance pros learn key future-focused skills
  23. The CPA profession of tomorrow will be ‘almost unrecognizable’ — and that’s a good thing
  24. Think you’re smart? Think again.
  25. Anticipation: The secret to thriving, not just surviving

William D. Sheridan