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Listen up: BLI thought leader launches new podcast

CPAs’ quest for world domination marches on.

Peter Margaritis, a CPA, CGMA, and resident Business Learning Institute thought leader, has launched a new podcast titled “Improv is No Joke.” The show, which is available as a free download in iTunes, aims to help people “become more effective communicators by embracing the principles of improvisation.”

It’s a lesson based on Margaritis’s book by the same name, which was published in 2015.

“The day never goes quite as expected. If you accept the fact that change is going to happen, you can adapt and adjust,” Margaritas told me when his book was published. “Improvisation is about assessing the needs of a situation by listening, understanding, adapting, and taking action to address issues as they arise.”

Incidentally, one of Margaritis’s first guests is MACPA / BLI Executive Director Tom Hood.

Download individual episodes of “Improve Is No Joke” on iTunes.

More CPAs on the air Here are a couple more deep-thinking podcasts from around the accounting, finance, and business worlds. They’re definitely worth a listen or three.

  • The Soul of the Enterprise,” with Ron Baker and Ed Kless. Two of the deepest thinkers I know take a weekly look at business in the Knowledge Economy. Baker is the founder of VeraSage Institute, and Kless is a senior director at Sage.
  • Let’s Get Radical,” with Jody Padar and Liz Gold. “Small business owners and creative freelancers, get ready,” warn hosts Jody Padar and Liz Gold. “Let’s Get Radical is not your typical business radio show. … You’ll get tips and tricks, strategies and guidance and straight talk on how to get more radical with your practices and policies and reap the rewards.” Padar is author of The Radical CPA and a longtime friend of the MACPA and the BLI.
  • The Thriveal podcast. Produced by Jason Blumer, Greg Kyte, and other members of the Thriveal CPA Network, the podcast dives deep into issues that impact CPAs and their clients.

William D. Sheridan