BLI launches podcast to help profession ‘Future-Proof’ itself

The Business Learning Institute is on a mission.
For the past few years, Tom Hood, yours truly, and the rest of the BLI’s team of future-focused thought leaders have been crossing the country, one speaking engagement at a time, in a bid to help accounting and finance professionals prepare for what’s ahead — to become future-ready.
But you don’t have to wait for us to come to town anymore. You can boost your future-readiness just by putting on your headphones.
We've launched a new podcast — “Future-Proof: A Podcast for Tomorrow’s Accounting and Finance Pros.” We’ll be interviewing some of the world’s most forward-thinking futurists and thought leaders, offering updates on the latest trends to watch, and perhaps most important, seeking answers to the question: How can this profession become future-ready?
Curious about advances in technology? Increasing regulation and legislation? Demographic shifts? The skills you need to remain relevant? So are we, and our podcast will cover all of those trends and more.
The podcast is available on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, and pretty much anywhere you get your podcasts. We’ll also post new editions on this blog and on BLI website.
This brief trailer will tell you a little more about the podcast.
There’ll be lots of great learning to come, so hit “Subscribe,” plug in those headphones, and get yourself a bit more future-ready.