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The best of the BLI blog from 2015

Here at the Business Learning Institute, we’re all about tomorrow. What future trends will impact our businesses? What new technologies will shape our future world? How can I anticipate change and take advantage of it before it arrives?

And sure, the new year is the perfect time to do a little strategic looking ahead.

But there’s still enough time to look back at what we accomplished this past year, isn’t there?

You bet there is. So here’s a list of the BLI’s most popular blog posts from 2015.

See you on the flip side, leaders.

  1. Are you prepared for the Uber-ization of CPAs?
  2. The No. 1 skill you need to be future ready is anticipation
  3. Top 3 issues in talent development and human capital
  4. The future: ‘If it is to be, it’s up to me’
  5. Technology is disrupting everything. Here’s your chance to do something about it.
  6. The world is transforming, and millennials are leading the way
  7. Are you ready for a different kind of learning?
  8. What do young professionals want? Reflections from the EDGE
  9. Anticipation: The missing competency for CPAs
  10. What can Katie Couric teach CPAs about the future?
  11. Telecommuting woes? Get a robot
  12. Report from CCH User Conference: How to beat the odds in the fast future
  13. Is your technology luring talent in … or driving it away?
  14. Accounting predictions for 2016 … and beyond
  15. Anticipation in action: Here’s what it looks like
  16. Forget happiness: Wellness equals curiosity
  17. Leadership and life? They’re about endurance
  18. Employee engagement in the millennial age
  19. Three steps to better days
  20. The top six skills you need to thrive in a VUCA world

William D. Sheridan