Change / transformation | Leadership | Management / Strategy

Your vision needs traction. We can help.

Want to get more out of your business? The Business Learning Institute can help.

I am excited to announce that I have completed my training as a professional EOS implementer. I am one of only 184 worldwide that have been given this unique opportunity.

EOS — the Entrepreneurial Operating System — is a powerful system that takes a holistic, self-sustaining approach to building a great company. It helps business owners get the most out of their businesses. EOS implementers have delivered more than 25,000 full-day sessions for more than 4,000 companies. As a result, companies:

  • Crystallize their vision, getting everyone on the same page and rowing in the same direction.
  • Gain tremendous traction by building discipline and accountability into the organization.
  • Create a healthy, functional and cohesive leadership team and company.

Want to learn more? Check out these actual client testimonials or watch this short, four-minute video.

To give your organization a checkup, visit

This real-world, proven system is also captured in the award-winning book Traction: Get A Grip On Your Business.

If you know of a business owner / entrepreneur who is frustrated and / or looking to get more out of their business, I’d appreciate the referral. You have my word — they’ll be in good hands and they’ll thank you for it.


William D. Sheridan